Application Guide
Please note that Unilink reserves the right to accept or reject any application if in its sole discretion discredits the company, is not permissible by law or does not meet company’s requirement .If you knowingly would not respect any of the above terms and or conditions we ask kindly that you discontinue this application.
All Applicants MUST fulfill the following requirements before any consideration is given to offer services on the Unilink’s platform.
Your Business MUST be legally registered, proof MUST be provided for standard accounts record
- You MUST provide an active Email account
- You MUST provide an active WhatsApp number
- You can choose the option of any of the following documents to supplement your application:
- A Clean Police Certificate of Character, not more than a month to the date of issue
- Reference letter from: A Justice of Peace or School Teacher
- Written Testimonial from a previous client with paid service proof e.g. Invoice
- Certificates, Diplomas etc. are not a must but might just be needed for specific professional requirements ,so kindly keep at your disposal
NB: Kindly acquaint yourself with all our policies, terms, conditions and the Unilink Guarantee .Remember that you are bonding to a legal business process which can implicate on your own reputation and future success .Help us to maintain a standard of excellence at all times and let us grow this community together
Thank You for choosing Unilink! |Mobile:1-473-458-5465 (LINK) or 405-3253|Address: Mt Airy St Paul’s,St George
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